Wednesday 30 March
50 years of intertwined crises and struggles
What have we learned across movements? What does it take to mobilize the necessary force for change?
Wednesday 30 March
ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41, Stockholm (room Hjärtat, entréplan)
18-19.30 (Hybrid part with Zoom and audience at ABF-huset)
19.30-20: Continued discussions at ABF-huset
In June, governments are gathering in Stockholm to commemorate the fifty year anniversary of the original UN Stockholm environment conference. As then, civil society and social movements will meet before and in parallel to formulate much sharper critiques and more far-reaching, transformative agendas for change.
In the lead-up, join us for a vibrant session where we reflect on civil society successes and challenges across decades – and what it takes to mobilize the necessary force for change.
Asad Rehman
War on Want/COP 26 Coalition
Asad Rehman currently heads War on Want and before that Friends of the Earth International’s climate work. He has more than a quarter-century experience of activism spanning anti-war mobilisation, human rights, anti-racism and climate justice. He’s working towards a world that sees all issues—climate change, economic and social injustice as interconnected and is stretching the ideas around a Green New Deal to embody a truly global equity and justice approach.

Lidy Nacpil
Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development
Lidy Nacpil fought the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines, pioneered struggles against corporate-led globalisation and debt and is a key leader in the struggle for fair shares, climate justice and reparations of climate debt. She currently leads the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development and plays an instrumental role in the Campaign to Demand Climate Justice and several other peoples movements and networks.

Alde Nilsson
Fridays For Future
Alde Nilsson is a climate justice activist based in Söderhamn, Sweden, who has been school striking for the climate as part of the Fridays For Future movement since 2018. Together with Fridays For Future Sweden, they work to mobilise Swedish society against the climate crisis and the social crises it’s interconnected with – putting pressure on leaders and calling out injustice and inaction. They also organise concerts for climate justice with Climate Live Sweden.

Ina Maria Shikongo
Namibian frontline defender
Ina Maria Shikongo is a frontline defender from Namibia fighting against the extraction of fossil fuels and calling for systemic change in politics, economics and everything in between. She is currently involved in the on the ground fight to stop ReconAfrica, a Canadian oil company, from attempting to frack the Okavango Delta. Her life has been much shaped by the experiences of conflict and Cold War geopolitics – she was born and grew up in exile as an apartheid refugee, partly in East Germany. She has a background in art and fashion design, and has in recent years been relating closely with FFF as an adult supporter.

Anna Jonsson is co-founder of New Weather Sweden, with broad experience of leading conversations and creative processes as a screenwriter, workshop leader and moderator as well as extensive background in civil society activism, including as chair of Fältbiologerna and Jordens Vänner (Friends of the Earth Sweden). She also has experience as political expert at the Prime Minister’s Committee on the issues of environment, climate and biodiversity.
Niclas Hällström is founder of WhatNext?, a platform to explore new and alternative development ideas and catalyse action for change. Through this work he has helped convene activists, scholars and progressive government officials to set in motion numerous regional and global initiatives across interconnected issues, including health, disarmament, globalisation, economics, energy and climate justice.